Virtual Capacity Building Webinar

The Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX), in its continued effort to develop and launch its securities exchange in 2024 has been under taking different engagements aimed at strengthening the awareness and capabilities of different stakeholders.
In line with this aim ESX organized its virtual capacity building webinar with the support of Ethiopian Capital Markets Authority (ECMA), FSD Africa and Ethio – American Finance Professional Society. With the theme of “Boosting Ethiopian Diaspora Participation in the upcoming Capital Markets” the virtual webinar aimed at:
- Creating awareness to the Ethiopian diaspora on the developments of the capital Market
- The work of ECMA to ensure that investors are protected and the work done so far in that respect
- Providing update on recent developments of the exchange
- Create awareness around the opportunities and how they can participate and
- Create a platform for dialogue
About ESX
The Ethiopian Securities Exchange (ESX) is being established in line with the Capital Markets Proclamation (No. 1248/2021). Article 31 of the Proclamation provides that ESX shall be established as a share company by the government in partnership with the private sector, including foreign investors. The Government of Ethiopia is expected to hold a minority share in the establishment of ESX. The establishment of ESX is primarily led by Ethiopian Investment Holdings with the support of Financial Sector Deepening Africa (FSD Africa). A dedicated Offi¬ce, leads the development work in preparation for the official launch of the exchange.
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About FSD Africa
FSD Africa is a specialist development agency working to help make finance work for Africa’s future. Based in Nairobi, FSD Africa’s team of financial sector experts work alongside governments, business leaders, regulators, and policymakers to design and build ambitious programmes that make financial markets work better for everyone. Established in 2012, FSD Africa is incorporated as a non-profit company limited by guarantee in Kenya. It is funded by UK aid from the UK government
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